Friday, September 23, 2005

I can't for the life of me... out what this plug is for. If any of you fellows have any idea, gizza shout...



Anonymous said...

I I believe, if I'm not mistaken, that it's an early 21st century 6 prong butt plug. Hope this helps.

Hugh Pryor said...

I'm aware that you get "male" and "female" plugs - how many electrical engineers do you know who can say "female to female converter" with a straight face? But I've never in all my life heard of a "6 prong butt plug"! What, prey tell, is the analogy with that, Mister Anonnymouse? (are you french???) I would be very grateful if you could elaborate.

Anonymous said...

Ooh it's one of those connectors that plugs you into The Matrix I think...try it

Hugh Pryor said...

No I've tried that. Complete disaster - never found Morpheus and now got a hole in my skull that leaks cerebro-spinal fluid every time I tilt my head! Grrreat!

Anonymous said...

That's MY cable!

Hugh Pryor said...

That's all very well, but what's it for?
If you are as you say you are: the owner of this cable, then you should jolly well know!

Unknown said...

So! It is a plug. You're supposed to stick one end of this particular model into your computer, and the other end into the back of your tv. Absolute screen perspective will be the result. The thing is, though, your tv will need to be one of those fancy new models.
Well, good luck!

Anonymous said...

I could have sworn it was a VGA cable..
Basically connects computer to tv or monitor..

Anonymous said...

It looks like an old serial cable, though I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

u all wrong thats an idiot picture showing a nice cable tahts has been built for fun by god that wanted us to talk about it