Friday, August 26, 2005

Bluetooth toothbrush

Do you have a blue toothbrush? Most people will have used one in their lives.
Do you have Bluetooth? This is a wireless communication method made entirely for random people to plop random pictures of their random girlfriends on your mobile phone without you knowing, for you to find at an embarrassing juncture in the future.
What about a bluetooth brush? This could be a little brush for cleaning your bluetooth terminals, BUT as they are not needed because bluetooth works by wireless and has no electrical contacts, it can only be a brush linked wirelessly to your mobile phone so that you can communicate with the business end of the brush whilst you are sweeping the leaves off your patio. Taking it a step further: what about the bluetooth toothbrush? If you have bluetooth sensors installed in your fillings then the toothbrush can communicate with the teeth that transmit data on their status and how much more cleaning is needed on each one, the concentration of toothpaste and vigouousness of the cleaning action.
This data is retransmitted to the nearest high speed wireless network to a central computer hub that stores, processes and redistruibutes the of the status of every tooth in every mouth fitted with this system. Once the national population has been assimilated, dentists will be rioting on The Strand with unused drills because their jobs will be worthless, and headlights on cars will be redundant because of everyone's dazzling smiles.
Naturally the bluetooth toothbrushes will be available in blue to get the blue bluetooth toothbrush.
Some obsessives need to brush their toothbrushes before (and after!) they've brushed their teeth with a toothbrush brush, and with a colour matched pair you could quite conceivably get the blue bluetooth toothbrush brush!


Anonymous said...

It now exists.

Anonymous said...

Great blog you got here. It would be great to read a bit more about that topic. The only thing I would like to see here is a few pictures of such gizmos as gps blocker.